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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - sponsor n.


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Sponsor n.

sponsor n.
1) backer, supporter, promoter, angel, patron, Maecenas, subsidizer: Make a contribution and we will list you as a sponsor of the games. 2) (radio or television) advertiser: The American broadcasting catch-phrase 'A word from our sponsor' is not to be taken literally. --v. 3) back, support, promote, fund, patronize, subsidize, finance, underwrite: Hughes agreed to sponsor a campaign to clean up the environment. SPONTANEOUS adj. 1) unannounced, unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptu, extemporaneous, extempore, unprepared, unrehearsed, offhand, ad lib, spur-of-the-moment, Colloq off the cuff: Miss Malkin's spontaneous speech could not have been better had it been written out. 2) natural, unforced, unbidden, instinctive, instinctual, unconscious, reflex, automatic, mechanical, immediate, offhand, unguarded, unthinking, unwitting, involuntary, impetuous, impulsive, Slang knee-jerk: How could you doubt the sincerity of such an outburst of spontaneous affection? My spontaneous reaction is to beg you not to take up sky-diving.
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